Sunday, March 15, 2009


Skoptsy is a Russian word meaning "castrated one."  This is the main feature of the sect named the same and it existed in Russia during Myshkin's time.  It is a secret sect of Christianity that practices self-mutilation.  They believed that once you are castrated, you return to the state before Adam and Eve committed the Original Sin.

This was mentioned partially in The Idiot.  Roghozin's house being the haven of Skoptsy's at that time.  Myshkin's next visit when he came back to St. Petersberg was at Rogozhin's place where later on, he was introduced to Rogozhin's mother as his brother.  Rogozhin asked for his mother's blessings which she automatically gave.  He later told Myshkin that his mother doesn't hear anything anymore and that the blessings came automatically.  At this point, Rogozhin accepted defeat and told Myshkin that he is giving in.

My question is, did he finally give up, or is he into something else?

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