Saturday, May 9, 2009

Out There After

I feared that this might be the book that I might not finish.  Not because it is boring or anything, but mainly due to too many distractions that are mainly online.  It's funny but my Google Reader subscription seems to attract one site almost everyday.  Too many interesting stuffs.  That's why my bedside reading is almost always put to the last hours [or minutes] of my day.

But the way I feel right now, I might be able to finish this by the end of the week.  The turn of events on Book 2 is something I didn't expect, quite astonishing.  Maggie and Tom were sent to boarding school and private teacher respectively.  But Maggie got a letter from her father asking her to be home in such a short notice, asked her to be home the very next day.

But she hasn't known what was the reason for that urgency.  Things happened so fast that things were already different when she got home.  After a few days being at home seeing the changes, she knew she had to fetch Tom from where he was.  And Book 2 ended with such an emotional twist.  As kids, and like old ones, they didn't know what is out there after this happening.  I bet they are clueless about how different their life would be.  But as Eliot puts it, this might be too much for a young mind to handle.

Anyway, this is their turning point.

We all have our turning points in our lives.  I see these as those events that make our life turn almost 360 degrees and not temporary, but with the air of permanence.  Permanence until another turning point, that is.  Personally, I have had a lot of turning points in my life.  Very difficult ones.  But no matter how hard they were, I always made it a point to come out a better person.  To learn from the lessons of these turning points.

People who seem to enjoy their ill-temper have a way of keeping it in fine condition by inflicting privations on themselves.
You've only to look well at things and draw them over and over again.  What you do wrong once, you can alter the next time.
I like to know what everybody else knows.  I can study what I like by and by.

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