Monday, March 9, 2009

Ottical Sense

I haven't been with Myshkin for a few days now.  I've been busy over the weekend/holiday and didn't even have enough time to spend with him.

But anyway, the memories of Urusula is still very present.  While I was waiting outside the office for one of my errands, I deliberately refrained from looking inside the office while waiting for the documents to be done.  Instead, I focused on the sounds and imagined what was going on based on what I heard.  And to my surprise, I know I've been hearing those sounds before but actually overlooked it.

Ursula, by the way, is one of the most influential and lead characters on my journey with One Hundred Years of Solitude.  Since I've already finished with the book, I am coming up with a page about it later on.  But it's going to be much later (but I hope not... but it might be...) because I will be busy moving to a new house.  Gabriel Garcia Marquez is one good writer... really good.  I am appalled most of the time as to the vastness of his imagination; very creative.  She almost lost her sight to cataracts, making her discover the power of hearing.  This reminded me so much of my mom who had cataracts, too, and learned to live with the power of hearing, and smell as well.  This was justified again by Gabriel Garcia Marquez on the book.

Anyway, Myshkin was back in town after a long absence.  I was surprised that he visited someone I didn't expect him to.  Let's see if I could be with Myshkin tonight.  I want to know the purpose of his visit to this person.

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